I recently shared my girlfriend's transformation from #longhairdon'tcare to short & edgy & back to long - or at least having the option of wearing it long - with the help of Lovely Daizies.
As you know when it comes to permanent hair extensions I strongly suggest Hot Heads hair extensions. If you want the option of clipping them in & out Lovely Daizies is the way to go.
In the process of our little makeover I realized most people don't really know as much as I thought about clip-ins. My friend's very stylish - up on every trend - & it made me realize if she's not knowledgable on clip-ins then the average person is definitely not. So lets do a little Back to Basics 101 on clip-ins.

They should ALWAYS be human hair!!!! Lovely Daizies use 100% human hair - otherwise you cannot possibly use the heat you'll need from a curling iron or flat iron to create all the fun styles you'll want with your new long hair! It will melt like a nasty Halloween wig & probably ruin your hot tool in the process.
For most you can just clip them in for everyday use. If you have very fine hair or are expecting to be partying hard or sweating & you're scared they may slip either use a bobby pin on either side to secure or just do a light tease or spray the area with some dry shampoo before clipping in for some extra hold & grip. DO NOT get crazy with the tease - this can help create small bald spots over time.
Keep in mind - with finer hair you can order less hair. If your hair is realllllly thick or you have a very blunt cut you'll have to order more hair to make it look natural. But no worries - Lovely Daizies come in three options to help with this - 120 grams for finer hair, 160 for medium, & 220 grams for thicker hair. The actual thickness of each weft is the same for all options. As you go up in grams more wefts are included in your pack.
Most likely you will have to wear your hair air dried or curled to make them look truly blended. You can curl them while they're clipped in or not - it's up to you. Use one hand to keep them in place so there is less friction on your natural hair when brushing or curling.

Heads up - If you do want to wear your hair stick straight you will have to order shorter clip-ins closer to your natural length or see a professional to cut & blend them for you. If you're not looking to pay a stylist to help then you can count on having to wear them wavy or curly to ensure they look natural. Trust me - you don't want to be one of those girls. We've all seen them - walking around with layers 4" long & straight extensions to their waist - it looks asinine.

Be kind to them when they're tangled - don't tear through them. I like to use a wet brush- starting at the bottom & brushing your way up. Let them air dry - the hair dryer can help break them down & plus - remember - the less poker straight they are the better they blend. Wash them as little as possible to keep them like new. Remember - they don't get oily like your natural hair because they're not actually coming out of your scalp. Avoid smoke or any other kind of smell so you can wash them less. Again - if you have human hair you can wash them as usual.
Matching up your color can be tricky. Lovely Daizies comes with one weft out of the packaging to check if it matches so you can return it before you open the entire pack. Once the pack is entirely open it cannot be returned.

Remember, seeking professional help is always an option. If you're in love with the clip-in color you ordered your hair can be colored to blend with them. This is a better option. Most clip-ins don't lighten well - even by a professional stylist. More often then not they can be darkened or toned but don't bleach well. If lightening the clip-ins is what's necessary to blend then returning them & ordering a shade that blends better or coloring your own hair to blend is often a better option.
From a length perspective I would always go longer. When you curl or braid your clip-ins it makes them sooo much shorter. Also you can always cut them versus having to order a longer length because you went too conservative. Lovely Daizies all come 20" which is a nice length. My coworker recently got married & we ordered the longest length of permanent extensions so we could curl them pretty tight & they would still be super long.
When it comes to where to clip them in you'll find what works for you with practice but there are some definite guidelines I work with that help.
Start about 1" from the nape of your neck. Take a clean section & clip the rest of your hair out of the way. Here - where your hairline is narrow - you'll be clipping in a narrower two clip weft. Once that's clipped in take another section about an inch or two up from the first. Here you can use a three clip weft & as you move up your head you'll use wider four clip wefts where your head is wider. I never go above the occipital bone - or in other words higher then the top of your ear. This way the clip-ins will be hidden better.

Most packages include smaller one clip wefts that I use to blend the back to the front. Place these a little back or centered right above your ear. I don't suggest going in front of the ear because they're harder to hide.

DAMN - I need a manicure.

WOW! That's a lot of info. Now you should be ready to order up your extensions! If there's something I haven't covered hit me up here or over on social media & I'd be happy to answer all your questions.
In the meantime -
Cheers - Hal