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Can you even believe Halloween is already next week?! You know I'm an ultra planner so we're all ready for all the festivities over here... how are you all doing with your holiday preparations?

Hopefully good lol. But if not I do have some last minute Halloween hair inspo coming your way the next week so stay tuned!

With Halloween right around the corner I tried to choose a #styleoftheweek that would vibe with the spooky feel of Halloween. And this lovely ladies black top & moody and smoky hair color lended itself perfectly for my All Hallow's Eve low bubble pony!

I'm going easy on you guys & starting off our #styleoftheweek series with yet another look that involves 00000 bobby pins! These are the only two products I used to create this fun pony. Don't worry... some of these looks will get more advanced as we go along.

So what do you think about the bubble trend... are you on board or no way?

Cheers - Hal

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