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Happy December errbody! We're literally pretty much in full swing Christmas mode over here & I'm half still wondering where the heck summer went! Do you feel me?!

But before I start going crazy with all of my holiday posts I thought this would be a great time to do one final farewell & show of appreciation for all the wonderful things November brought us... from all the signs of fall to the gratitude of Thanksgiving. Not to mention all that happened here on the blog.

So here's your full November recap!

If you've been following along then you already know I'm about halfway through my "12 Days of Holiday Hair" series where I get to share all my fave hairstyles of the season & hopefully inspire you to get your hair looking fly for the holidays... whether on your own or with a little help from your stylist.

Throughout the month of November I shared the fourth through seventh look in the 12 part series... here's a little reminder. Click on any red description to see & read more about each look.

For the month's worth of my weekly obsessions just click here.

I also shared a full month's worth of #hairtiptuesdays. Everything from how to make your child's hair festive for Thanksgiving to how to use clip-in extensions to help master these holiday hairstyles. For all the tips click here.

And this year I decided to share my hair gift guides for the beauty obsessed a little earlier then normal because I heard from you guys loud & clear last year that you felt there wasn't enough time to order things to be delivered for the holiday. So this year I went for it a smidge earlier & you'll be thanking me... but your wallet won't. To get links for all the guides click here.

I had the best giveaway this month & one of my lucky followers got to formulate their own shampoo & conditioner... didn't know you could do this... yeah, me neither. Until I partnered up with Formulate & got to create my own! Unfortunately the giveaway is over but to check it out & may be make one of your own click here.

Anyone here besides me obsessed with Hallmark Christmas movies... these are by far my guiltiest pleasure of the entire holiday season! And this year I created a gift set, bingo board & a checklist to see how many of 2018's new ones you could see in a season. To check this out & get the printable click here.

I also collaborated over on Instagram with Turkey Hill Dairy to show how I enjoy their tasty egg nog... on the couch in front of Hallmark... duh.

And last but not least there was another big collab over on Insta.... dang... I told you November was a little extra. Little Miss Samantha & I got to partner up with one of her fave brand... Fairy Tales Hair to help unveil their newest line... TBH (To Be Honest) - the first brand ever to cater specifically to tween hair care needs. And yes... I did damn near die when they notified be Samantha is technically a tween!

So there you have it... November was a crazy busy month & looking forward into December there's only more fun & crazy business to be had.

How about you guys? How was your November?

Cheers - Hal

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