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If you're anything like me or the other 90% of society then I'm sure you too are addicted to dry shampoo.... like can't live without it.

So here's the trick.

Spray the dry shampoo into your hair as usual & wait a minute or so for it to settle in.

Then use the hair dryer on your roots for about thirty seconds & really work the product through your hair stands.

The heat from your hair dryer will "bake" the dry shampoo into your roots, adding some extra volume at your scalp where you need it most & the hair gets the oiliest.

It also makes it last longer by more evenly distributing the product throughout your hair.

I will even try this trick on third or fourth day hair to reactivate the existing product in my hair before adding more... as one of my fave clients says... this shampoo is like $5 a spray! It ain't cheap so we gotta make it last!

Are you an uber fan of dry shampoo too? Which is your fave?

Cheers - Hal

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