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Hey everyone! How was your week?

Not gonna lie mine wasn't super exciting socially but I did get a TON of work done!

And the week just pretty much flew by... it's already the end of the work week for most of you & you know what time it is... time for our #fridayfive.


Lets just start by saying I have the BEST mother out there... she's so kind & like literally the most generous person you'll ever meet. And the best part is she's also a bad ass Italian cook who keeps my freezer stocked too! So Mother's Day... whether you consider it a Hallmark holiday or not... is still a pretty good reminder as far as I'm concerned to let the maternal influences in our lives know how much they mean to us!


This is pretty much what I binge watched all week! I was obsesssssssed... the story took so many twists & turns & the acting was phenom. I am so glad so many people persuaded me to watch because after the trainwreck of season 2 I honestly wasn't planning on it.


So in the process of binging "True Detective" I must've seen the trailer for the second season of "Big Little Lies" a hundred times... which you think would get pretty old pretty quick. But not so much... it only made me want to tune in more. This was perhaps my biggest guilty pleasure of last summer & I hope to hell they didn't ruin it because let be honest... the story's been told & it's over... but maybe not... the trailer looks SO good! And yes Meryl Streep is a goddess & I'll tune in just for that!


My sister picked up this cannoli cake from a nut free bakery we love in her area... and we had never had a cannoli cake. What more can I really say about this one but I want it all the time now!


Every year for Mother's Day I pick up a hanging basket for my mom's front porch. And I always pick up some for me too... you know... one for you, three for me! I am perhaps most obsessed about these this week.... I love looking out my front windows & seeing the red geraniums... they're giving me hard core summer vibes... now only if the weather would start cooperating!

So there you have it... those are my #fridayfive... what is it this week that you've been obsessed with?

Cheers - Hal

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