Happy Friday... and hopefully the start of an amazing holiday weekend!
I sure hope you all have exciting plans for Memorial Day... I personally won't be running to the Jersey shore like most Philadelphians this weekend because this is a really big family weekend for us.
It just so happens to be my niece Samantha, my nephew Matt & my sister Leslie's birthdays all in the same week. Fun fact: my sister had my niece only a few days after her 30th birthday & delivered her son on her exact birthday two years later!
So needless to say this traditionally has been a super family weekend for us... and if you know anything about me & my inclination to spoil the kids then you know that this is pretty much Christmas round two!
I haven't been this obsessed with a show in a minute! Well who am I kidding... since Schitt's Creek. If there was ever a show that met the description of a dark comedy it's this one! Soooooo super fun... you gotta give this one a shot! Have you watched yet?
Well actually we cray & the pools been opened for weeks but this week was the first time it was actually warm enough to use it! I am like a giddy child on Christmas morning when the pool's open... it's like the start of my endless summer. It may not be the Bahamas but what can I say... I love it.
We went with a slightly unconventional approach to book club this month. We decided to go with one super fun & edgy book & another that was more thought provoking & serious. No shocker here I went with the fun one first. "Then She was Gone" by Lisa Jewell is so addicting it's not even funny. Right out of the gate I was obsessed... like couldn't put it down obsessed. Have you read this one?
Whether you loved it or hated it... watched ravenously or never saw an episode it was hard to resist talk of the series finale of "Game of Thrones." I mean literally every single person who sat in my chair wanted to discuss. I'm not gonna lie the last six episodes of the series didn't do it for me but I still included it in my #fridayfive because of the frenzy... I mean it was an actual cultural television phenomenon... whether you were happy or disappointed to cant deny it! Did you watch & what did you think of it?
So there you have it... these were my #fridayfive... what got you all riled up this week?
Cheers - Hal