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Updated: Sep 17, 2020

One more week closer to the end of summer.... if I had a pause button now would be the time I would bust it out! As Labor Day approaches I always get that queasy, uneasy feeling that most people can relate to as the "Sunday Scaries."

So I for one plan on really living it up the last two weekends before "the unofficial end of summer," the kids go back to school & I go back to working five days a week! Gasp!

I'm gonna stop stressing out about that for now & instead focus on the five things that had me go wow & brought a smile to my face this week!


I'm not even sure how I came across these out of this world painted Veuve Cliquot bottles... which y'all know is my fave... but I am literally dying for one. To check out the designs go to their insta account at @avoirlechic. I want every one of them... but to be honest they're a little out of my price range but I'm going to try to come up with my own fun & creative way to decorate the bottles for holiday gift giving. If I figure it out I'll be sure to let you know.


I loooooved this book trilogy & am so excited they turned it into a series. If you're not into the supernatural this isn't for you but if you are this is so well done! Just like the books the series does start out a little slow but I got hooked eventually just like I did with the books. PS the series is on Sundance if you're interested.


Before you get all hype I haven't actually seen it yet... but I did get amazing tix this week for November 20th & it's all I've been able to think about all week! And guess what... it's on a Wednesday... and everyone knows on Wednesday we wear pink! I'm gonna have to get an amazing new ensemble for the show!


"The Chain" by Adrian McKinty is our September book club selection & even though I just started it I was seriously hooked just by reading the description! And the author's rags to riches behind the scenes story is just as riveting & makes me love the book even more!


I know I've mentioned my obsession with Emily McDowell stationary & gifts with you before. Someone was paying attention & bought me this fun bag because I'm always joking about being a hairstylist who can never find a ponytail holder or a bobby pin in under a minute if my life depended on it.

So there you have it... these are my #fridayfive... what are you into this week?

Cheers - Hal

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