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Updated: Sep 17, 2020

Well it's already December 22nd and Christmas is literally in two or three days! Where have the days & weeks gone?

Y'all know I'm super organized & really on top of my stuff... actually I hate dropping the ball in any way. Every single year of my life I say I'm going to keep every single ball in the air straight through the holiday season into the New Year. And then the holidays in the salon hit & it all goes out the window.

Inevitably I drop one of the balls... sometimes I stop taking care of myself & working out & spend every waking hour in the salon, sometimes my house isn't decorated to perfection or I don't do all the fun social things the holidays bring.

Well this year it was blogging. I did a HORRIBLE job checking in on here & keeping everyone up to date. But maybe that's a good thing in a way... because at least you know I was keeping up with everything else.

I know... I failed at keeping everything together the last few weeks of the year as usual. But if it's redeeming at all I did keep up with Instagram & I did manage to complete my third annual #12daysofholidayhair series.

I had so much fun creating these looks... everything from a sweet as can be cupcake inspired Halloween 'do to the perfect fall harvest look for Thanksgiving to fun & festive styles for all the winter holidays.

So I'm going to share them here & I want you to let me know in the comments which of the twelve styles is your personal fave!

Hope you are having an amaaaaazing holiday season & I'll be checking back in a ton more in the new year!

Cheers - Hal

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