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So just like the rest of 2020 Halloween is going to look a bit different for most of us. Whether you're attending a micro party, going virtual or doing next to nothing if you're anything like me it still has to be festive.

By this point in the year I've finally stopped mourning the end of summer & am actual looking forward to a festive holiday season... & Halloween is sorta the kick off to all the drama.

But with Halloween being so low key this year it seems like a waste to go all out. I get it... but no one wants to be a total party pooper either.

So to save yourself the shame of being an All Hollow's Eve bah humbug I rounded up some of my fave Halloween hair accessories of 2020. This way you can throw on an outfit from your closet, put on one of these accessories & call it a day.

Order one now & you'll have them in time for Halloween weekend.

Click any image to shop.

Whatever you end up doing or not this Halloween weekend stay safe & happy!

Cheers - Hal

Oh & here's some links from Halloween's past if you need some more inspo.


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